Success stories
Over the years, we have had the privilege of collaborating with a wide range of clients, each project providing us with valuable opportunities to learn, grow, and overcome new challenges.
Below, we present a collection of testimonials from our clients, who have firsthand experienced the dedication, professionalism, and transformative impact of our solutions on their businesses.

“En Green World Compounding S.L., siempre estamos buscando maneras de innovar y mejorar nuestros procesos y productos. La colaboración con Fych Technologies ha sido un paso crucial en este camino. Gracias a su tecnología avanzada y su enfoque versátil, hemos podido optimizar nuestras operaciones, procesar nuevos materiales y, lo más importante, mejorar nuestro impacto ambiental. La experiencia y profesionalidad del equipo de Fych Technologies nos han permitido no solo alcanzar nuestros objetivos empresariales, sino también reforzar nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Estamos inmensamente agradecidos por esta fructífera colaboración y esperamos continuar trabajando juntos en el futuro.”
– Green World Compounding –
“Fych Technologies es una empresa joven que se ha convertido en un referente en economía circular gracias al desarrollo de su tecnología para la revalorización de residuos plásticos. Su equipo, encabezado por Andrea y Oksana, Doctoras por la Universidad de Alicante, está nutrido de un gran número de tituladas y titulados de la UA y es un claro ejemplo de trabajo, constancia, creatividad e ingenio; en definitiva, de talento UA.”
- Maria Jesús, Vice Chancellor for Transfer, Innovation, and Scientific Dissemination -

"We are pleased to express our sincerest endorsement of Fych Technologies, a distinguished spinoff from the University of Alicante created by three brilliant researchers, Andrés Fullana, Andrea Cabanes, and Oksana Horodytska.
Since their establishment in our facilities, Fych Technologies has fully leveraged the resources and collaborative ecosystem offered by the Alicante Science Park. They have actively participated in events, collaborations, and business support programs, which has strengthened their growth and impact on the local, regional, and national scientific and business community. Furthermore, they have installed their pilot plant in one of our warehouses.
We highlight the visionary leadership of the Fych Technologies team, as well as their dedication to advancing projects that favor sustainability through technological innovation. We are confident that their presence in the Alicante Science Park will continue to be a source of inspiration and a driver of progress in the field of circular economy and technology."
- Alicante Science Park -

“Working hand in hand with Fych Technologies has been an excellent opportunity to validate the potential of new advanced recycling processes with a focus on multilayer packaging. This collaboration is undoubtedly a promising line of work through open innovation in the packaging sector. FYCH is an excellent ally when it comes to applying the knowledge and expertise of their team to the challenges of the packaging value chain.”
– Ecoembes –

El proyecto “Reciclaje mecánico de bandejas multicapa post-consumo” que estamos actualmente cofinanciando en el marco de nuestro programa de apoyo a la I+D+i permitirá desarrollar un nuevo proceso de reciclaje y abrir nuevas posibilidades para la gestión de bandejas de PET para reciclaje.
– João Letras
Director de Gestión de Residuos de la Sociedad Ponto Verde –

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